Goal 9 : Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Bulid resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industralization and foster innovation

Goal 9 Score (Current Value & trend)

Since target are not defined for any indicator, the score is not calculated.

Trends in number of boradband subscribe per 10,000 persons
Trends in indicators (Please select indicator from the drop-down list to see its trends over time)

Indicator's values and target achievement year
Indicator Number Indicator Name Most recent reference year Most recent value Target(2030) Target Achievement Year (estimated) Trend (Compared with Baseline)
9.2.2 Manufacturing employment as a proportion of total employment (in percent) 2020-21 0.9 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
9.c.1 Number of Internet Subscriptions as percentage of total population, (in percentage) 2021-22 31.5 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
9.c.2 Number of broadband subscribers per 10,000 persons 2021-22 3033 Not defined Not defined Not defined
Rank of Uttar Pradesh in India (When states/UTs are sorted from highest to lowest values)