Goal 8 : Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote sustaianed , inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Goal 8 Score (Current Value & trend)
Current Score - Uttar Pradesh
Current Category - Uttar Pradesh

Trends in Goal 8 score for Uttar Pradesh and India

Score categorization : Aspirants (0-49); Performers (50-64); Front runners (65-99); Achievers(>99)

Indicators used to Calculate Goal 8 score
Description of the indicators used to calculate Goal 8 score
Indicators number Indicators Title
8.5.2_Total_Person Unemployment rate (in percent) Total:Person
8.8.1 Percent of households receiving social protection benefits under MGNREGA
8.10.1 Number of banking outlets per 1,00,000 population
Trends in the score of the indicators used to calculate Goal 8 score
Time Period Score for indicators 1.2.1(Total) Score for indicators 1.3.1 Score for indicators 1.3.3 Goal-1 Score
Baseline 89 89 89 89
2016 89 89 89 89
2016 89 89 89 89
2016 89 89 89 89

Since values of the indicator 1.2.1 and 1.3.1 are available only for one year (2011-12 and 2015-16 respectively),variation in the score for Goal-1 over the year is only due to variation in the values of the indicator 1.3.3.

Indicator's values and target achievement year
Indicator Number Indicator Name Most recent reference year Most recent value Target(2030) Target Achievement Year (estimated) Trend (Compared with Baseline)
8.3.1_Male Percent of workers in informal sector among total workers engaged in non-agriculture sector (Male) 2020-21 43.9 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.3.1_Female Percent of workers in informal sector among total workers engaged in non-agriculture sector (Female) 2020-21 43.9 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.3.1_Person Percent of workers in informal sector among total workers engaged in non-agriculture sector (Person) 2020-21 63.4 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.3.3 Outstanding Credit to MSME, (in Rs. crore) 2020-21 105215.15 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.3.4 Number of MSME units registered under the Online udyog aadhaar registration 2021-22 414220 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.4.1 Proportion of waste recycled vs. waste generated 2020-21 0.4 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.4.2 Per capita fossil fuel consumption (in Kilogram) 2021-22 134.6 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.1_Rural_Male Average hourly earnings of employees, by sex, age, occupation (in Rs.) (15 years and above) Rural:Male 2020-21 56 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.1_Rural_Female Average hourly earnings of employees, by sex, age, occupation (in Rs.) (15 years and above) Rural:Female 2020-21 37 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.1_Rural_Person Average hourly earnings of employees, by sex, age, occupation (in Rs.) (15 years and above) Rural:Person 2020-21 54 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.1_Urban_Male Average hourly earnings of employees, by sex, age, occupation (in Rs.) (15 years and above) Urban:Male 2020-21 71 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.1_Urban_Female Average hourly earnings of employees, by sex, age, occupation (in Rs.) (15 years and above) Urban:Female 2020-21 74 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.1_Urban_Person Average hourly earnings of employees, by sex, age, occupation (in Rs.) (15 years and above) Urban:Person 2020-21 71 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.1_Total_Male Average hourly earnings of employees, by sex, age, occupation (in Rs.) (15 years and above) Total:Male 2020-21 111 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.1_Total_Female Average hourly earnings of employees, by sex, age, occupation (in Rs.) (15 years and above) Total:Female 2020-21 53 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.1_Total_Person Average hourly earnings of employees, by sex, age, occupation (in Rs.) (15 years and above) Total:Person 2020-21 53 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.2_Rural_Male Unemployment rate (in percent) Rural:Male 2020-21 3.7 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.2_Rural_Female Unemployment rate (in percent) Rural:Female 2020-21 1.7 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.2_Rural_Person Unemployment rate (in percent) Rural:Person 2020-21 3.2 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.2_Urban_Male Unemployment rate (in percent) Urban:Male 2020-21 4.6 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.2_Urban_Female Unemployment rate (in percent) Urban:Female 2020-21 3.5 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.2_Urban_Person Unemployment rate (in percent) Urban:Person 2020-21 4.4 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.2_Total_Male Unemployment rate (in percent) Total:Male 2020-21 4 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.2_Total_Female Unemployment rate (in percent) Total:Female 2020-21 2.2 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.5.2_Total_Person Unemployment rate (in percent) Total:Person 2020-21 3.5 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.7.1 Human trafficking cases per 10,00,000 population 2020 0.39 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.7.2 Number of missing children 2019 3184 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.8.1 Percent of households receiving social protection benefits under MGNREGA 2019-20 30.9 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.8.2_Person Percent of migrant workers (Person) 2011 33.2 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.8.2_Male Percent of migrant workers (Male) 2011 60.2 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.8.2_Female Percent of migrant workers (Female) 2011 26.5 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.8.3_Fatal_Injuries Number of injuries due to accidents in factories (fatal injuries) 2020 66 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.8.3_Non_Fatal_injuries Number of injuries due to accidents in factories (non-fatal injuries) 2020 69 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.8.3_Total_Injuries Number of injuries due to accidents in factories (total injuries- fatal or non-fatal) 2020 135 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.9.2 Percentage change in number of tourists over the previous year 2021 26.1 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.10.1 Number of banking outlets per 1,00,000 population 2020-21 131 Not defined Not defined Not defined
8.10.2 Number of accounts (including deposit and credit accounts) of scheduled commercial banks per 1,000 population 2020-21 1364 Not defined Not defined Not defined
Trends in indicators (Please select indicator from the drop-down list to see its trends over time)
Indicators-wise charts comparing Uttar
Indicator-wise charts comparing Uttar Pradesh with national averages