Goal 5:Gender Equality

Achieve gender eqality and empower all women and girls

Goal 5 Score (Current Value & trend)
Current Score - Uttar Pradesh
Current Category - Uttar Pradesh

Trends in Goal 5 score for Uttar Pradesh and India

Score categorization : Aspirants (0-49); Performers (50-64); Front runners (65-99); Achievers(>99)

Indicators used to Calculate Goal 5 score
Description of the indicators used to calculate Goal 5 score
Indicators number Indicators Title
5.1.3_Total Sex ratio at Birth: Total
5.1.4 Rate of crimes against women (per 100,000 women population)
5.2.4 Proportion of sexual crime against girl children to total crime against children
5.2.6 Per cent of ever married women (15-49 years) who ever experienced spousal violence
5.5.3 Percent of women candidates out of total candidates contesting Lok Sabha elections
5.a.1 Percentage of female operated operational holdings
Trends in the score of the indicators used to calculate Goal 5 score
Time Period Score for indicators 1.2.1(Total) Score for indicators 1.3.1 Score for indicators 1.3.3 Goal-1 Score
Baseline 89 89 89 89
2016 89 89 89 89
2016 89 89 89 89
2016 89 89 89 89
Indicator's values and target achievement year
Indicator Number Indicator Name Most recent reference year Most recent value Target(2030) Target Achievement Year (estimated) Trend (Compared with Baseline)
5.1.2 Per lakh women that have been subjected to dowry offences 2020 4.9 Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.1.3_Total Sex ratio at Birth: Total 2017-19 894 Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.1.3_Rural Sex ratio at Birth: Rural 2017-19 881 Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.1.3_Urban Sex ratio at Birth: Urban 2017-19 943 Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.1.4 Rate of crimes against women (per 100,000 women population) 2020 45.06 Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.2.1 Proportion of crime against women to total crime reported 2019-21 31.5 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.2.2 Per lakh women who experienced sexual crimes 2019-21 0.3 Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.2.3 Per lakh women who experienced cruelty/physical violence by husband or his relatives 2020 18.3 Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.2.4 Proportion of sexual crime against girl children to total crime against children 2020 60.8 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.2.5 Proportion of trafficking of girl children to total children trafficked 2020 100 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.2.6 Per cent of ever married women (15-49 years) who ever experienced spousal violence Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.2.7_Total Child Sex ratio (0-6 years): Total 2011 902 Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.2.7_Rural Child Sex ratio (0-6 years): Rural 2011 906 Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.2.7_Urban Child Sex ratio (0-6 years): Urban 2011 885 Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.3.1 Percent of women aged 20-24 years who were married by exact age 18 years 2019-21 15.8 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.3.2 Proportion of cases reported under the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2020 0.1 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.4.1_Rural_Male Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work - 06 year and above (Rural:Male) 2019 4 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.4.1_Rural_Female Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work - 06 year and above (Rural:Female) 2019 20.5 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.4.1_Rural_Person Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work - 06 year and above (Rural:Person) 2019 12.2 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.4.1_Urban_Male Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work - 06 year and above (Urban:Male) 2019 2.9 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.4.1_Urban_Female Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work - 06 year and above (Urban:Female) 2019 19.4 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.4.1_Urban_Person Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work - 06 year and above (Urban:Personl) 2019 10.2 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.4.1_Total_Male Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work - 06 year and above (Total:Male) 2019 3.8 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.4.1_Total_Female Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work - 06 year and above (Total:Female) 2019 20.3 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.4.1_Total_Person Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work - 06 year and above (Total:Person) 2019 11.8 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.5.2 Proportion of women in managerial positions in listed companies (per 1,000 persons) 2018-19 243 Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.5.3 Percent of women candidates out of total candidates contesting Lok Sabha elections 2019 10.8 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.6.1 Percentage of currently married women (15-49 years) who use modern methods of family planning, (similar to Indicators 3.7.4 and 3.8.1) 2015-16 31.7 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.6.2 Unmet need for family planning for currently married women aged 15-49 years 2015-16 18 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.6.3_Female Percent of girls and women aged 15-24 years with comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS 2019-21 11.6 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.6.3_Male Percent of population boys and men 15-24 years with comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS 2019-21 19.8 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.a.1 Percentage of female operated operational holdings 2015-16 7.7 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.a.3_Male Wages of casual labourers other than public works (INR/day): Male 2020-21 359 Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.a.3_Female Wages of casual labourers other than public works (INR/day): Female 2020-21 306 Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.a.3_Person Wages of casual labourers other than public works (INR/day): Person 2020-21 356 Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.a.4_Male Average agricultural wage earnings from casual labour work other than public works (INR/day): Male 2020-21 284 Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.a.4_Female Average agricultural wage earnings from casual labour work other than public works (INR/day): Female 2020-21 310 Not defined Not defined Not defined
5.a.4_Person Average agricultural wage earnings from casual labour work other than public works (INR/day): Persons 2020-21 313 Not defined Not defined Not defined
Trends in indicators (Please select indicator from the drop-down list to see its trends over time)
Indicators-wise charts comparing Uttar
Indicator-wise charts comparing Uttar Pradesh with national averages