Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Reduce inequality within and among countries

Goal 10 Score (Current Value & trend)
Current Score - Uttar Pradesh
Current Category - Uttar Pradesh

Trends in Goal 10 score for Uttar Pradesh and India

Score categorization: Aspirants(0-49); Performers(50-64); Front runners (65-99); Achievers(>99)

Indicators used to Calculate Goal 10 score
Description of the indicators used to calculate Goal 10 score
Indicators number Indicators Title
10.1.1_Bottom_40_Percent_population_(Rural) Growth rates of household expenditure per capita among bottom 40% population (Rural)
10.1.1_Bottom_40_Percent_population_(Urban) Growth rates of household expenditure per capita among bottom 40% population (Urban)
10.1.2_Rural Gini Coefficient of Household Expenditure (Rural)
10.1.2_Urban Gini Coefficient of Household Expenditure (Urban)
Trends in the score of the indicators used to calculate Goal 10 score
Time Period Score for indicators 1.2.1(Total) Score for indicators 1.3.1 Score for indicators 1.3.3 Goal-1 Score
Baseline 89 89 89 89
2016 89 89 89 89
2016 89 89 89 89
2016 89 89 89 89

Since values of all four indicators are available only for one year(2011-12),hence values of the score for Goal-10 remains constant over the years.

Indicator's values and target achievement year
Indicator Number Indicator Name Most recent reference year Most recent value Target(2030) Target Achievement Year (estimated) Trend (Compared with Baseline)
10.1.1_Bottom_40_Percent_population_(Rural) Growth rates of household expenditure per capita among bottom 40% population (Rural) 2011-12 6.4 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
10.1.1_Total population (Rural) Growth rates of household expenditure per capita among total population (Rural) 2011-12 9.5 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
10.1.1_Bottom_40_Percent_population_(Urban) Growth rates of household expenditure per capita among bottom 40% population (Urban) 2011-12 8.1 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
10.1.1_Total population (Urban) Growth rates of household expenditure per capita among the total population (Urban) 2011-12 9.4 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
10.1.2_Rural Gini Coefficient of Household Expenditure (Rural) 2011-12 0.247 Not defined Not defined Not defined
10.1.2_Urban Gini Coefficient of Household Expenditure (Urban) 2011-12 0.0031 Not defined Not defined Not defined
10.2.1_50% Median_value_(Rural) 50% of median MPCE value (Rural) 2011-12 724.94 Not defined Not defined Not defined
10.2.1_Rural Percentage of people living below 50% of median per capita household expenditure (Rural) 2011-12 0.6 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
10.2.1_50% Median_value_(Urban) 50% of median MPCE value (Urban) 2011-12 981.23 Not defined Not defined Not defined
10.2.1_Urban Percentage of people living below 50% of median per capita household expenditure (Urban) 2011-12 9 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
Trends in indicators (Please select indicator from the drop-down list to see its trends over time)
Indicators-wise charts comparing Uttar
Indicator-wise charts comparing Uttar Pradesh with national averages