Goal 1:No Poverty

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Goal 1 Score (Current Value & trend)
Current Score - Uttar Pradesh
Current Category - Uttar Pradesh

Trends in Goal 1 score for Uttar Pradesh and India

Score categorization : Aspirants (0-49); Performers (50-64); Front runners (65-99); Achievers(>99)

Indicators used to calculate Goal 1 score
Description of the indicators used to calculate Goal 1 score
Indicators number Indicators Title
1.2.1_total Per cent of population living below the national poverty line (Total)
1.3.1 Per cent of households with any usual member covered by a health scheme or health insurance
1.3.3 Per cent of persons provided employment under MGNAREGA
Trends in the score of the indicators used to calculate Goal 1 score
Time Period Score for indicators 1.2.1(Total) Score for indicators 1.3.1 Score for indicators 1.3.3 Goal-1 Score
Baseline 89 89 89 89
2016 89 89 89 89
2016 89 89 89 89
2016 89 89 89 89
2016 89 89 89 89

Since values of the indicator 1.2.1 and 1.3.1 are available only for one year (2011-12 and 2015-16 respectively),variation in the score for Goal-1 over the year is only due to variation in the values of the indicator 1.3.3.

Indicator's values and target achievement year
Indicator Number Indicator Name Most recent reference year Most recent value Target(2030) Target Achievement Year (estimated) Trend (Compared with Baseline)
1.1.1_rural Poverty Gap ratio in rural areas 2011-12 5.7 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
1.1.1_urban Poverty Gap ratio in urban areas 2011-12 5.3 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
1.2.1_rural Per cent of population living below the national poverty line (Rural) 2011-12 16.5 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
1.2.1_urban Per cent of population living below the national poverty line (Urban) 2011-12 7.4 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
1.2.1_total Per cent of population living below the national poverty line (Total) 2011-12 14 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
1.3.1 Per cent of households with any usual member covered by a health scheme or health insurance 2019-21 15.8 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
1.3.2 Number of beneficiaries under Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) 2019-20 7044836 Not defined Not defined Not defined
1.3.3 Per cent of persons provided employment under MGNAREGA 2021-22 99.9 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
1.3.5 Per cent of beneficialness paid under PMMVY 2019-20 93.5 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
1.3.6 Number of senior citizens provided institutional assistance 2021-22 1595 Not defined Not defined Not defined
1.3.8 Coverage of New Pension scheme (NPS) 2021-22 17.48 Not defined Not defined Not defined
1.4.2 Number of telephone subscriptions as per cent of total population 2021-22 71.3 % Not defined Not defined Not defined
Trends in indicators (Please select indicator from the drop-down list to see its trends over time)
Indicators-wise charts comparing Uttar
Indicator-wise charts comparing Uttar Pradesh with national averages